Friday, September 14, 2012

Going to Funtown

Today was dialysis, or we refer to it, D Day, or 'going to Funtown!'  It wasn't real fun today, though.  A quick lesson in dialysis.  As the blood goes out of your body and through the machine, the machine cools your blood to help keep you from cramping and help keep your blood pressure from dropping. Even snuggled under my blanket, I was freezing today so I asked the tech to turn up the temp.  Sure 'nuff, 'boom'. The bottom fell out of my blood pressure and there I was in fuzzy land.  Things sound far away and sorta slowed down and I see spots in front of my eyes.  (Well, would be pretty hard to see ANYthing in the BACKS of my eyes!)  If I had paid for some drug to make me feel that way, it probably would have been a good trip.  However, me no likey those kinds of trips and I would surely never pay for one or do it on purpose!  One of the good things about dialysis, other than the fact of course that it keeps me alive, is that I get to talk crafting with one of the nurses, Carol.  She's a big crafter, too, and we talk all things craftable and discuss ideas and methods.  Sure makes the time on the machine go by in a much more pleasant fashion :)

Did I mention that besides crafting, gardening and other assorted fun things that I'm a gamer?  Yup, a middle aged woman who loves to kill things in World of Warcraft.  Bu that troll NEEDED killing, I swear!  It was a public service!  So tonight will likely be a sit in front of the puter and kill mass quantities of bad guys.    I blame my significant other for this.  It'll be fun, he said.  You'll like it, he said.  We can play together, he said. Well, I DO like it, it IS fun and we do play together.  The couple who creates mass havoc together stays together, I guess :)

So let's talk crafting.  I'm working on a Spiderman web blanket/afghan for my great-nephew (I usually call him my niece's little boy cause it makes me sound younger) who is a big Spiderman fan. You make it in wedges and for the most part it goes quickly.  But one wedge, known hereafter as The Wedge From Hell, nearly made me toss it in the trash. I did that sucker 4 times before it came out right.  Of course, it's wasn't MY fault that I left out a row.  Twice.  In two different places.  Or that I did the edging wrong.  Nope, it was the crochet gremlins that messed it up.  I swear, those little guys are everywhere. 

Time to sign off.  I think I hear trolls and orcs plotting destruction.  They must be stopped!!!!!

Til later,


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