Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Insert creative title here

Good evening, fellow babies! (Anybody remember Dr. Johnny Fever from WKRP In Cincinnati?)  Today was Funtown day and it went well.  Except apparently my blood pressure dropped while I was asleep. Excitement at Funtown today - we had a fire drill.  Complete with setting off the alarm.  The best part, the alarm scared the crap of the doctor and she jumped about 4 feet straight up.  Actually, the best part of Funtown is chatting with Carol, talking about our crafts and whatever else crosses our minds.  She's dying flour sack towels and they are turning out beautifully.  I'd like to do that, too, but I've got plenty on my plate crafting-wise at the moment.

I'm not feeling real creative tonight but I promised myself I will at least post every other day.  So I'm already behind cause I haven't posted since Sunday.  Sigh.  I can think of all kinds of things I want to say when I'm not at the computer but when I sit in front of it, sometimes my mind is so blank I can hear the wind whistling through my ears.  No, really, it's like Death Valley in my head sometimes.  Kinda scary, actually.

Well, let me tell you about my trip to Michael's.  The day started with having to get up at 6 AM.  Those who know me, know that I am NOT a morning person in any shape, form or fashion.  In fact, left to my own devices, I would likely be going TO bed, not getting up at 6.  Anyway, my sister and I took our mother and a friend of hers to the airport, where they set to FL to visit friends.  Then Chick-Fil-A for chicken minis for breakfast.  Heaven in your mouth.  Little bite sized pieces of fried chicken wrapped in mini yeast rolls.  Way yummy.  We stopped at Goodwill to look for re- and up-cyclable stuff  but alas we left empty handed.  On to Kohl's where we scored some good deals. Yay! Christmas shopping started already!   Finally, Michael's. We went to a different store than we usually go to, so nothing was where I was used to it being.  Add to that the fact that they are starting to stock Christmas stuff.  The aisles were full of boxes and 'stuff' and employees taking down displays, putting up displays, and generally getting in the way of my shopping :)  I could kick myself, though. I specially wanted to get clay crafting tools, and a couple of punches.  What were the two things I DIDN'T get??  You got it.  Man, memory loss sucks. I was talking about? :D  We ended the day with a late lunch at El Dorado where I had an excellent Taco Salad.

So my sister made me a surprise today (Carol, if you're reading this, skip this part :D) She made Impossible Brownie Pie.  It was way yum.  We decided next time she makes it, she'll put nuts in it.  Tomorrow I'm going to make Cincinnati Chili for dinner.  Pasta, chili, cheese, onions and mushrooms.  Can hardly wait!  Probably gonna have to have some garlic bread, too.

Hmmmmmm I wonder how the orcs and trolls are doing without me.  I probably should go check on them. I'm sure one or two needs a good butt-kicking to end my day.

Til later,

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