Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sunshine and warm temps!

After the last few weeks of snow, sleet, and ice, I am happy to report that today it is S U N N Y and 76 degrees!  It is deliciously tempting.   Spring is waving her lusciousness in front of us.  And speaking of spring, yesterday at D Day, one of the other patients and I were gardening.  Oh, we grew roses, tulips, azaleas, camellias, gardenias, phlox, wisteria and multitudes of other things.  I wish I had all that going on in my yard :D It's fun to discuss your interests with those who share said interests.

Right now, I'm watching The Barefoot Contessa.  I just love watching her show.  But she's cruel.  Cruel, do you hear!?  She is making DONUTS!!!!!  Cinnamon donuts.  I want some!  Sigh.

Let's catch you up on what I've been doing.  Ok, not a whole lot of anything, really.  I couldn't go to D Day Friday because of the snow and sleet we had, so I had to go Saturday.  Mama and my sister Debra picked me up after D Day and we went to Cookout and had lunch.  Yea, buddy - hamburgers!  I am the original hamburger kid. I could eat a hamburger anywhere, any time.  But don't give me any of those hoity toity designer hamburgers.  Meat, mayo, ketchup, lettuce, onion, cheddar cheese and tomato on a bun. That's it.  Heaven on a bun.  Oh yea.  I reallllllllllly wanted a milkshake, cause Cookout makes awesome peanut butter shakes, but I was good and didn't get one.  I feel so righteous.

Saturday night/Sunday morning we sprang forward.  I sprang into my bed and stayed there til 1:15.  P.M.  Yes, in the afternoon.  I haven't slept that late in forever.  It sure did feel good.  I continued the day by doing nothing.  And that sure felt good, too :)  Yesterday was D Day and last night I just goofed around online and chatted with my friend Steve.  He was ebaying while I surfed the net.  Today I haven't done much.  Mama is not feeling well, so I've been playing nurse and trying to keep her hydrated.

I'm thinking of making my world famous - ok, only famous to me - spaghetti sauce for dinner.  Then again, perhaps a hardy pan of goulash.  Hmmmmm.  Decisions, decisions.  Then AGAIN, I may do hamburger steaks with camelized onions and a side of yellow squash.  That sounds good, too.

Janie Mae is just having a terrible time.  She wants to eat and I won't feed her. Now don't get me wrong. I am not starving her.  She's already been fed.  She just wants more and I won't give it to her til it's time for her din-din.  She's tried looking pitiful, looking mean, being cute, meowing, stomping around, trying to lead me to the food bowl......but alas, none of it has worked.  She is now sitting and staring at me.  It's actually pretty funny.  Uh oh, here come the pitiful I-can-barely-stay-upright meows.  Too bad she has another couple hours before dinner.

I think I'll go fire up the Cameo.  I think it's feeling abandoned.

Til later,

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